Addressable LEDs + 3D printed patterns (+ sensor) = Intuitive lamp


Display patterns and/or sensor data on an addressable LED stick which would fit inside a custom-made 3D design.

Soda can art | Voronoi lamp | 3D Lamps collection | Dancing Springs

Temperature sensor + humidity sensor + screen + case = Smart weather alarm


Calculate weather information from sensor data for a smart weather display.

Stylish weather station | Weather station with 3D printed sensors

| Digital 3D printed thermometer

Soil hygrometer + addressable LEDs + 3D printed flower pot = Biohacking basil in Athenian heat

Sense a plant's life parameters and remind yourself to care.

Flower bot | LED pot stand | Thirsty flamingo | Artificial Plant Emotion Expressor

Unconventional music technology

Sound signals at home usually means beeps and alarms. Yet it could be so much more than that:

What does sound look like?

Transform sound to movement: Fingerscan: Music at Your Fingertips

Transform sound to light: LED mapping tournament

Hack all the sounds

Pulse of the City-13.jpg

Physical components for digital sound: Arduino MIDI Controller

Heart rate sensor to sound: Pulse of the City | Heart rate monitor with an LDR

Transform light to sound: Light theremin | Light to sound converter

3D printed body parts + servos = animatronics

Servos + 3D printed eye

The Doorman

Animatronic tail

Physical buttons + LED matrix/LCD screen + 3D printed case = Pocket arcade games

Arduino tetris


Arduino LCD game

Arduino LED matrix game

Τελευταία τροποποίηση: Σάββατο, 16 Ιουνίου 2018, 12:22 AM