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LED matrix
The 8x8 LED Matrix has 64 red LEDs driven with a MAX7219 IC.
Relay module
Breakout board to drive external circuits (e.g. AC powered) with 5V logic.
Mini servo motors
FS90 servo motors that can operate on a 120 degree angle.
Small 5V speaker.
Character LCD 16x2 5V
A basic 16 character by 2 line display with a blue background with white characters.
Assorted switches and buttons
SPDT slide switches, ON-OFF SPST toggle switches and momentary buttons.
16-button numeric matrix keypad.
Ultrasonic proximity sensor
Proximity sensor 2cm - 400cm.
Soil moisture sensor
Simple water sensor which can be used to detect soil moisture.
There is soldering equipment available, as well as extra wire, heat-shrink tubes etc., in order to create permanent prototypes in perforated boards.
Arduino Nano
Another Arduino board in a smaller form factor.
An open-source Internet of Things platform; a smaller board that can be programmed with the Arduino IDE and can connect to Wi-Fi.