Now that you have completed 5 weeks of makery pizaz, it is time to put into practice the new skills and get even more creative.


Form teams and brainstorm a common project to work on using the skills acquired so far. Gather diverse talent; aspiring designers, programmers, electronics enthusiasts and general tinkerers in order to draft, plan and make together something that represents you and your journey in this course.


The aim is to collaboratively design, build and program an authentic 3D printable, computer programmable device.

What to make

Where all trips have already taken place; where the vaguest desire for dispersion, evasion and movement are concentrated in a fixed point, in an immobility that has ceased to be one of non-movement and has become that of a potential ubiquity, of an absolute mobility, which voids its own space by crossing it ceaseless and without effort.
—Baudrillard, Jean, The Ecstasy of Communication

You are not asked to create something to market nor to save the world; not even to apply everything that you have learned in this course for the sake of what is technologically possible.

This is the space to try out terrible ideas, to critically think what role your creation can play in everyday life.

How to start

Two important steps come after assembling a team:

Outlining and sketching ideas

This is the time to come together and brainstorm and sketch your ideas. What is the behaviour you want to see? What forms could it take? What would be the inputs and outputs?

Breaking down into parts

Next up, you may want to have a basic list of parts and components, as a way to simplify your idea.

Last modified: Tuesday, 12 June 2018, 6:58 PM