Parts and tools
Parts and tools
module will be a hands-on walk-through of simple experiments with
circuits. Here is a list of parts you will need:
A breadboard is what we will use to make connections between different parts and test circuits in a fast and easy way. In its modern form it has nothing to do with bread, but its name comes from the first testing circuit boards that were basically nails on a piece of wood/cutting board!
9V battery
We will use the battery to power our circuits.
9V battery cap and DC jack
These connectors will be used to attach the battery to the breadboard.
A few LEDs
Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are electronic components that are designed to light up under certain conditions in a circuit.
Some resistors
Resistors are electrical components that limit the flow of electrical current in a circuit.
10K potentiometer/trimmer
Potentiometers and trimmers are variable resistors; resistors that change their value (how much they limit flow of current) according to a physical component, like a screw.
Jumper wires
Jumper wires are removable wires used to connect components together and to the breadboard when testing circuits.