When it's time to distribute your presentation to others or run a slideshow on a computer other than your own you should consider various options for printing and exporting.

PDF Export

Impress can export presentations to PDF (Portable Document Format). This industry-standard file format for file viewing is ideal for sending the file to someone else to view using Adobe Reader or other PDF viewers.

To export to PDF click on the button in Standard toolbar.

For more options when exporting to PDF use the File > Export as PDF menu command.

The most important options are

  • Range: you can print a range or a selection of slides, for example the range 4-7 prints slides 4, 5, 6 and 7.
  • Images: You can adjust the compression and quality of images inside the presentation. This is useful when you want to reduce the file size of the pdf file.
  • Watermark: You can insert a text watermark to mark with your brand all of the slides.

Exporting to PPTX

The drawback when using the PDF format is that you loose all transitions and custom effects that you have inserted. Alternatively you can export or save a a presentation to the Microsoft Powerpoint format (pptx). Do this when you are going to present to a computer that does not have LibreOffice installed or a document viewer that supports the ODF format. To export to pptx, use the Fil e> Export menu command.

Always test the resulting pptx file because the conversion is not always accurate.

Controlling printing

Impress provides many options for printing a presentation. Some of these options are identical to when printing documents (printer, range and copies, pages per sheet). To print a presentation click on the print button to open the Print dialog window.

When printing a presentation you have the option to print it into various forms using the Document option:




Prints a slide on every page. This is the most common printing option


Prints many slides in one page. Usually this document is distributed to the audience


Prints a slide with the notes in every page. This format is useful for the presenter as an aid in presentation and for distributing in the audience as well


Print only the Outline text used in the presentation

Last modified: Sunday, 25 March 2018, 10:35 PM