In a Writer document almost everything is a paragraph, even titles and headings. Therefore when using styles you mainly work with paragraph styles.

Paragraph styles

When drafting a document, the most used style category is the paragraph styles. Here are some of the basic paragraph styles:

Default Style

This is the master style for all paragraph styles. You must avoid using this style and you must not modify it. All other styles inherit properties from this style.


Used for the title of a document


Used for the subtitle of a document

Headings 1, 2, 3, 4...

Headings define sections on your document. Use headings to structure your documents with chapters, sections or use as titles to define parts of your text.

Text Body

Use this style for your main content in a document (text and paragraphs).


A quotation is a passage of text from another author that we include in a document. You can also use the Quotations style to give emphasis to a text.

Preformatted Text

Use this style to insert code (html, python, etc) on your document.

View the current style

To view which style a paragraph uses, simply click anywhere inside the paragraph and the style name appears on the Styles List in the Standard toolbar.

Applying styles

To apply a paragraph style first click anywhere inside the paragraph an use one of the following methods.

Apply Paragraph Style List

This is the quickest method to apply a paragraph style. However it does not display all available styles. You simple select the style and apply it. This list initially displays the most basic styles. The list is updated with any other style you add in the current document.

Styles Menu

From the Styles Sub Menu you have access to paragraph and also some character styles.

Styles and Formatting window in the Sidebar

To open this window click on Styles and Formatting button in the Sidebar. Then select the paragraph Styles category.

In this window you can view all available Styles and other styles related commands. Select the style from the list and double click with the mouse to apply it in your document.

Τελευταία τροποποίηση: Πέμπτη, 15 Μαρτίου 2018, 8:16 PM