Χρήσιμες διευθύνσεις, για χρήστες κονσόλας

One way of estimating the relative importance of the tasks that folk use Linux for would be to count the number of different applications that have been written to perform each of those tasks. Given the rather large number of programs that exist for "finding stuff", we might conclude that the thing users do most often is to lose it in the first place!
In this tutorial you'll learn how to find files on the command line by specifying all sorts of different search criteria.

What separates average Linux users from the super-geeks? Simple: years spent learning the kinds of hacks, tricks, tips and techniques that turn long jobs into a moment's work. If you want to get up to speed without having to put in all that leg-work, we've rounded up over 50 easy-to-learn Linux tips to help you work smarter and get the most from your computer. Enjoy!

We asked our followers on Identi.ca and Twitter what kind of articles they wanted us to put up. KeithWatson1 responded with "I would love to see desktop tip articles", so here goes: if you've already read and memorised our "Linux tips every geek should know" and "20 all-new tips for KDE 4.2" features, we've picked out 50 more Linux desktop tips for you (and KeithWatson1) to enjoy.
And remember, if you don't ask, you don't get - follow us on Identi.ca or Twitter to have your say on what we post next...

LinuxCMD.org is the Official Reference about Linux Command Line documentation. Nothing it's impossible by command line!

Τα πρώτα βήματα με το Τερματικό. Αυτός είναι ένας απλός (μπορώ να πω και λίγο μπακαλίστικος) οδηγός φτιαγμένος απο προσωπική εμπειρία με τον οποίο ο νέος χρήστης θα μπορέσει να πιστεύω να καταλάβει πως χρησιμοποιείται, τα βασικά πράγματα/εντολές που μπορεί να εκτελέσει και τι θα πρέπει να προσέξει όταν το χρησιμοποιεί.

Τα πρώτα βήματα με το Τερματικό, σε μεταφορτώσιμη μορφή.

Your One-Stop Command Line Shop!
Now what? You have Linux installed and running. The GUI is working fine, but you are getting tired of changing your desktop themes. You keep seeing this "terminal" thing. Don't worry, we'll show you what to do.

Shell-fu is a place for all those little command line goodies that you come across and then can never find again when you need them. Hopefully we'll end up with a comprehensive and easily usable resource for anyone working with the shell. We've a little way to go yet, and we'd appreciate your comments (just hit the 'Contact' link in the menu above).
If you see an entry you like (or dislike) please use the arrows to vote up or down. You can also submit your own tips/tricks and they will be added to the site once checked over by our moderator monkeys. Have fun!

Command-Line-Fu is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again.
Delete that bloated snippets file you've been using and share your personal repository with the world. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on and discussed - digg-esque voting is also encouraged so the best float to the top.

These are answers to frequently asked questions on channel #bash on the freenode IRC network. These answers are contributed by the regular members of the channel (originally heiner, and then others including greycat and r00t), and by users like you. If you find something inaccurate or simply misspelled, please feel free to correct it!
All the information here is presented without any warranty or guarantee of accuracy. Use it at your own risk. When in doubt, please consult the man pages or the GNU info pages as the authoritative references.

Linuxtopia is an extensive online resource for anyone learning or deploying enterprise level open source technology. Whether you are a C, C++, Java or Web developer, a system or database administrator, hardware engineer or a security specialist you will find Linuxtopia to be an indispensable source of technical information.

The ultimate Ubuntu book!
Written by award-winning author Keir Thomas, Ubuntu Pocket Guide and Reference is a totally unique and concise guide for everyday Ubuntu use. It's the world's most popular Ubuntu book, with over half a million readers (and rising!).
  • Focuses on core competencies and background knowledge needed to be an expert Ubuntu user;
  • Readable, accessible, and easy to understand—even if you've never used Linux before;
  • 100% new and original! Written from the ground-up to cover Ubuntu 8.04 and 8.10.

Tutorial: an introduction to Linux CLI

  • The beginner's guide to Linux, part 1: Finding the right distro
  • The beginner's guide to Linux, part 2: Partition and installation
  • The beginner's guide to Linux, part 3: The Linux GUI
  • The beginner's guide to Linux, part 4: Introduction to the Terminal

All the Best Linux Cheat Sheets. All the best Linux cheat sheets rounded up in one post broken down into Linux command line, Linux security, Linux administration, Gnome/KDE, sed/awk/vim, and distribution specific cheat sheets.
Last modified: Thursday, 25 July 2013, 3:56 AM