Day 6 - Section 1 - Sensing the light
Day 6 - Section 1 - Sensing the light
Completion requirements
After the completion of this section the students will be able to:
- describe and use a photoresistor
- build a circuit to sense and measure the light
- use the Serial Monitor inside the Arduino IDE
- visualize the light amount to values into the Serial Monitor
Use the Serial monitor to watch the light effects
Before explaining how the Serial monitor works, let's have a look on the code that we have to upload to the NodeMCU, in order to measure the light. Study, copy and then paste it into the Arduino IDE:
void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); //Begin serial communcation } void loop() { Serial.println(analogRead(A0)); //Write the value of the photoresistor to the serial monitor.
delay(10); //short delay for faster response to light. }
A few words about the program:
First, in the setup() section, we initialize the communication speed between the computer and the NodeMCU (Serial.begin(9600);).
In the loop() section, we read the analogue value of pin A0 (analogRead(A0);) and then we display it into the Serial Monitor in a new line (Serial.println();). Notice here that there is another command (Serial.print();) which prints the output without opening a new line. But, here we use Serial.println(); command.
The last command delay(10); is telling the NodeMCU to wait for a little time (10ms) before continuing.
In order to open the serial monitor in Arduino IDE and watch the values we need to press the icon with the magnifying glass:
Then you will see a picture like this, that will be refreshing fast:
Try now to throw some light on the photoresistor (maybe with a flashlight or using your mobile phone) and watch the values changing. The limits are 0-1023 so any value between these limits represents an amount of light at any given moment.