Using the computer

Site: ΕΛ/ΛΑΚ Moodle
Course: Basic ICT Skills
Book: Using the computer
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Date: Tuesday, 21 May 2024, 12:18 PM


The main screen you'll start from is the desktop. This is sort of like a main menu or a table of contents. From here, you can access the programs and features you need to use your computer.

1. Icons

Icons are used to represent the different files, applications, and commands on your computer. An icon is a small image that's intended to give you an idea at a glance of what it represents, like a logo. Double-clicking an icon on the desktop will open that application or file.

Icons on a desktop

2. Buttons

A button is a command that performs a specific function within an application. The most commonly used commands in a program will be represented by buttons.

Mouse cursor over a button

3. Menus

Menus are organized collections of commands and shortcuts. Click a menu to open it and display the commands and shortcuts within. Then click an item in the menu to execute it.

Mouse cursor over a menu

4. Windows

When you open an application or folder, it is displayed in its own window. A window is a contained area—like a picture within a picture—with its own menus and buttons specific to that program. You can rearrange multiple windows on the desktop and switch between them.

Multiple windows over a desktop