Week 3 - Section 1 - More obstacles avoiding

Site: ΕΛ/ΛΑΚ Moodle
Course: Advanced Coding - June 2017
Book: Week 3 - Section 1 - More obstacles avoiding
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Date: Friday, 14 March 2025, 5:54 PM


In the first week we will learn about the edison robot, its capabilities, sensors and communication with the software. We will also learn how to use the EdWare, the software for programming edison robots.

Chapter 6.1 - Detect obstacle and avoid

Write the following program to have the Edison robot drive until it encounters an obstacle, then turn 180° and drive for 1 second away from the obstacle.

Use the right amount of time to have the robot to turn 180°, where indicated above by the orange question mark (?).

Chapter 6.2 - Continous obstacle avoidance

Write the following program to have the Edison robot continuously drive avoiding obstacles.

Try experimenting with different amounts of time in the second event wait icon. This time setting determines how long the robot turns for and is indicated above by the orange question mark (?).

Chapter 6.3 - Right and left detection

Write the following program to have the Edison robot continuously drive avoiding obstacles to the left and right.

In the above program we are using ‘IF’ icons. These are very important icons, because they give the robot the ability to make decisions without human guidance. When this occurs in a robot it is now called an autonomous robot, as it has artificial intelligence.

An ‘If’ icon asks whether a condition is true or false. If the result is true the program takes the path with a tick. If the result is false the program takes the path with the cross.

The above program has three different paths that it can take based on where an obstacle is.