Group assignment - Songs collection
Group assignment - Songs collection
In this assignment you will work collectively to create a collection of song lyrics. The final document will contain a cover page, a list of the songs and all the lyrics of the songs you choose. An example is given as an attachment in pdf format.
All members of the group, after discussing together, will decide which songs and how many you will include in your collection. One solution is to choose each member from a song. Also discuss what other information the collection will contain for each song. For example, year of creation, songwriter, composer, performer.
- Split into pairs
- A pair will take on the design of the cover
- Another pair will assemble and edit the final documente
- The others will search for song lyrics (1-2 of each pair) and create a document. Make sure to apply heading 1 style for the title of the song.
- Join all the files together with the cover. Start from the cover and from the main menu select Insert > Document to import the rest of the files
- Add a table of contents page containing the song names
- Format the main text, create a paragraph style for text with the lyrics
- Prepare the final document.
Alternatively, you can modify the task by changing the contents of the collection. Instead of lyrics, you can make a collection of poems, articles on a topic you choose, your favourite videogame, etc
- 6 May 2018, 10:03 PM